1. The Lectionary
Archives page
The Episcopal Church Lectionary, including text of next Sunday's readings, and the Daily and Sunday readings of the Episcopal lectionary
2. Sites hosted by Satucket.com
The Lectionary: Full text of the Sunday and Daily Bible Readings according to the use of the Episcopal Church; full text of the Sunday Readings for the Revised ...
Please note! Several of the above sites were created quite a while ago and don't necessarily reflect designs we'd use today.
3. The Lectionary Page
Liturgical Calendar for 2018 · Liturgical Calendar for 2019 · Reverse Lectionary
Planning further ahead? Use the 2024 Liturgical Calendar, or the 2025 Liturgical Calendar
4. Online Resources - Franklin - St. John's Anglican Church
The Lectionary is the weekly cycle of readings for Sunday worship. The ... satucket.com/lectionary/. The Daily office can also be downloaded for your ...
As Anglicans, we believe that we are formed by Word and sacrament. There are a number of excellent online resources to help us engage with Scripture.
5. The Daily Office Lectionary: A Rookie Anglican Guide
Feb 16, 2018 · The Daily Office Lectionary is a Bible reading plan that tells you which passages of Scripture to read during Morning and Evening Prayer.
The Daily Office Lectionary is a Bible reading plan that tells you which passages of Scripture to read during Morning and Evening Prayer. Learn more here!
6. Satucket Lectionary John Huss | A Great Cloud of Witnesses
Posts about Satucket Lectionary John Huss written by The Rev. Ken Howard.
Posts about Satucket Lectionary John Huss written by The Rev. Ken Howard
7. About the Revised Common Lectionary - The Episcopal Church
A lectionary is a table of readings from Scripture appointed to be read at public worship. The Lectionary (1969, revised 1981) developed by the Roman ...
About the Revised Common Lectionary A lectionary is a table of readings from Scripture appointed to be read at public worship. The Lectionary (1969, revised 1981) developed by the Roman Catholic Church […]
8. Daily Office — St. Paul's Fayetteville
Find and mark the readings appointed for the day in your Bible. An outline of the Daily Office Lectionary can be found on page 934 of the Book of Common Prayer.
The Daily Office is an ancient practice that uses daily prayers to mark the times of the day. For Anglicans, this generally comes in the form of the two main offices of Daily Morning Prayer and Daily Evening Prayer. They may be led by lay people and are said communally or individually. Other offices as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer include Noonday Prayer and Compline (an office said before going to sleep).
9. Links - Church of the Ascension
Bede's Breviary, but has fewer options; it would be easier for beginners. http://www.satucket.com/lectionary/index.htm. Additionally, I have included this ...
Links - Church of the Ascension